
There are many communication barriers in healthcare, but how to solve them? First, providers must understand the types of obstacles, and leaders must also be aware of them.

Active listening is emphasized and popular within healthcare, yet how does one become successful while practicing active listening? Our previous communication-based blogs have highlighted what successful leaders do!

Understand the culture your team adopts and how to mitigate the imbalance. Learn how overly cooperative and competitive culture can harm cross-department communication!

Intercultural communication is quintessential in healthcare. Develop intercultural competency to increase healthcare provider and patient communication satisfaction! Become a successful leader by equipping intercultural skills learned from the blog here!

Effective communication is a learning process. Successful communication is necessary yet rare in healthcare, especially when messages transfer from one department to another.

Healthcare is diverse, so becoming culturally competent is crucial in delivering quality care. Learn about verbal and nonverbal communication to enhance relationships between team members and build cohesive organizational culture.

Leaders can harmonize or disrupt an organization. That's why learning the leadership style is crucial in aiding one's understanding of their leadership style. Learn more about which leadership style is compelling and favored within healthcare!

Learning about your team's communication style can reduce future conflicts. Better support team members and develop strong social relations.

Hospital staff face a barrage of messages each day. Responding to messages needs to be done quickly and efficiently to enhance patient care and avoid delays. Replying to messages takes time, but there is a way for miSecureMessages app users to streamline the process by adding their own

Starting as a HIPAA-compliant secure messaging app, miSecureMessages has evolved into a unified communications application.