Secure Medical Texting

Amtelco plays a pivotal role within various industries, such as contact centers and healthcare. With its vast array of offerings, Amtelco has decided to unify all of its amazing divisions and products under the name Amtelco.

As technology advances, pagers are leaving the healthcare scene. Today, secure messaging solutions are revolutionizing healthcare communication, offering a range of benefits that significantly impact patient care and operational efficiency.

Every healthcare system aims to achieve timely and quality patient care by reducing misdiagnosis and costs with direct and fast communication. To ease the clinical communication pain points and barriers, healthcare administrators can upgrade the paging system to a secure messaging solution.

Choose Successful Interprofessional Collaboration

The pandemic has significantly impacted people's mental health, shifting priorities toward wellness and self-care. More people have become more aware of the importance of maintaining physical and mental health.

Misdiagnoses are dangerous to a patient's health outcomes and contribute to medical errors. When healthcare providers think of misdiagnoses, the reasoning behind misdiagnoses happening is due to inexperience.

Healthcare providers are always highly exposed to stressful events, and depending on the department and positions healthcare providers are in, some may face more or less patient volume. Healthcare providers' health is just as important as patient health.

Medical care faces many challenges, such as intra- and inter-hospital patient transfer. Healthcare providers cannot afford miscommunication with different levels of care and medicine to give to patients.

Healthcare providers face challenging working conditions, mental health is stigmatized, and even more so in the healthcare industry. Burnout is the most common sign, and mental health needs to be prioritized.

Our emergency messaging system creates a safer hospital environment for staff and patients.